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Activities & Events

Activities and events provided through the Office for Community Wellness are offered free of charge. This is made possible through a small operating budget consisting of municipal funds, in-kind contributions made by partner organizations and community volunteers, and private donations. 


​To participate in any of the activities listed below, simply click the registration button for the event and complete the web form.

Thriving Together Thursdays!

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Halloween / Harvest Window Painting

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The Town of New Paltz’s Office for Community Wellness is sponsoring it’s 5th Annual Halloween Window Painting Project for youth in grades 6-12, as well as adults and families. Anyone interested in participating is invited to register by going to


All window designs are created in advance and creatively celebrate Halloween or Harvest. 

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La Oficina de Bienestar Comunitario de la Ciudad de New Paltz está patrocinando su 5º Proyecto Anual de Pintura de Ventanas de Halloween para jóvenes en los grados 6-12. así como adultos y familias. Cualquier persona interesada en participar está invitada a registrarse yendo


Todos los diseños de ventanas se crean con anticipación y celebran creativamente Halloween o la cosecha.

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